Through the mundane moments of life, we often forget the need to disciple and be discipled by another brother or sister in Christ. As disciples of Christ, we must always aim to be faithful, accountable, and teachable. The Apostle Paul gave his young protege Titus instructions (Titus 2) for the older men of the church to invest in the younger men and
the older women to invest in the younger women.
This takes time, intentional time. We aim to make the most of every opportunity the Lord gives us.
At Immanuel, we believe DISCIPLESHIP IS T.I.M.E.
Time to TEACH
Time to INVEST
Time to MENTOR
Time to EQUIP
Our T.I.M.E. D-Groups are intentional discipleship groups (Less than 5, male-to-male/female-to-female) created for accountability and growth toward maturity in Christ.
Our T.I.M.E. D-Group Leaders are in Training for Fall and will commit to beginning their groups in January 2024.
If you are interested in being part of a T.I.M.E. D-Group, please get in touch with the church office.